Tutorial SP Flash Tool

Tutorial SP Flash Tool Tutorial folosire SP Flash Tool 1-Atentie la MediaTek USB VCOM Driver se instaleaza cu device manager deschis si telefonul inchis cele cu procesor MT6577 cu bateria scoasa. 2-daca apare eroare port COM se merge la option si selectam flash fara baterie w/o Cel mai important la acest soft este sa avem driverul corect instalat. In rest e simplu incarcam Scatter-ul si facem firmware. sau mai complicat in engleza ptr un HTC DESIRE 310 ROM+Sp-FlashTool Step 1: Prepare for SP-FlashToo: 1. Create a new folder on the C: drive called SP-FlashTool. Extract the contents of the SP-FlashTool. 2. ROM folder searching in the archives of the Stock ROM -em (HTC Desire 310 blah blah blah -> UserMode -> ROM) and unpack it to the root folder of the SP-FlashTool. Step 2: Install the drivers: 1. Turn off the phone. When it’s off, connect the USB cable to the computer, but do not start the cell! 2. When the screen displays your battery charge level (percent) disconnect it. 3. Enter the Device Manager, select View, then Show hidden devices. 4. Other devices should appear MTK65XX Preloader, right-click on it and update the driver. Step 3: Prepare for flashing: 1. Start flash_tool.exe with administrator rights. 2. Select Options and then Option …, or press CTRL + O combinations. 3. Go to the Connection tab, and select the option: High Speed ​​and w / o battery. 4. Go to the tab and select the option Download DA DL All with checksum and exit from the options menu. Step 4: Flashing: 1. Go to the Download tab. 2. Press the Download Agent and choose DA_SWSEC.bin. 3. Press the Scatter-loading and choose MT6582_scatter_1.01.862.1.txt for UNI SIM, and MT6582_scatter_1.00.1136.5.txt for DUAL SIM in the ROM folder and look forward to the appearance of the file list. 4. Under the name of the scatter-loading File drop-down menu, we have. We develop them and select Download Only. 5. Uncheck Preloader Finally, it should look like this: 6. After checking that all is well done, press the button that says Download and green an arrow pointing down. 7. Turn off the phone and pull the batteries. 8. Connect the USB while holding the volume button is responsible for volume down! (VERY IMPORTANT!). When you begin to flash, you can let go of the button. Wait patiently. Congratulation, you have a new phone again FAQ – OR DOES NOT WORK !! HOW TO REPAIR ?! Q: I have a strange name for the internal memory! A: So far I do not know what it may be due. The problem should not cause problems, it can only look bad from the point of aesthetic. Q: It annoys me that error CID! You can delete it? A: The Russians agreed that sometimes the only thing that can work is to enter the code # 243 # on the keypad. At the moment there is no other way. Q: I can not install the drivers for Windows 8 / 8.1! A: ANSWER Q: I get an error IMEI / I can not send or receive calls / sms / I have no coverage at all! A: All the problems come down to one reason: you have selected Preloader. There is as yet no solution.

Autor: admin

Data publicării: 2024-05-31

Număr de vizualizări: 34

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